Maybe you are wondering how to stop worrying about noisy neighbours but don’t fret, there are steps you can take to address the problem and alleviate the stress it causes. Living in close proximity to neighbours can have its benefits, but it can also come with its own set of challenges, one of which is dealing with noisy neighbours.
It’s a common issue that can be frustrating and disruptive, leaving you feeling agitated and stressed. Whether it’s loud music, frequent parties, or just general noise, the constant disturbance can take a toll on your mental health and overall quality of life.
In this blog, I will share some practical tips and strategies to help you stop worrying about noisy neighbours and create a more peaceful living environment for yourself.
Identify the source of the noise
The first step you need to take is to identify the source of the noise. This is important because it can help you determine the best course of action to take. For example, if the noise is coming from a neighbour’s stereo system, you might approach the situation differently than if the noise is caused by children gathering outside.
To identify the source of the noise, start by taking note of when the noise occurs, how often, and how long it lasts. Is it always at the same time of day or night? Is it a consistent noise or does it vary? Once you have an idea of when and where the noise is coming from, try to pinpoint the exact source.
If the noise is coming from a neighbour’s home, try to identify which room it’s coming from. If the noise is coming from outside, walk around your neighbourhood and try to locate the source. It may also be helpful to keep a log of the noise so you can provide specific details to your neighbour or the authorities if necessary.
Remember, it’s important to differentiate between normal and excessive noise. While we all have a right to peace and quiet, it’s also important to recognise that some level of noise is normal and to be expected in a residential area.
How to soundproof your house from neighbours
Once you have established the source of the noise, the next step is to consider noise reduction methods and soundproofing your house from your neighbours. There are a variety of options available, depending on the source and type of noise.
Soundproofing your home can be an effective way to reduce noise from neighbouring properties and if you can soften the noise, then this will hopefully help you stop worrying about noisy neighbours as much.
These noise reduction methods vary in cost so it depends on how much you are willing to invest to try and regain some peace in your home. There are lots of DIY soundproofing options and if you can install it yourself then this will cut the cost down.
So how to soundproof your house from neighbours? You can try the following methods:
- Adding insulation to walls and ceilings
Adding soundproofing insulation to your walls and ceilings can be very effective at blocking out noise. You can install sound-dampening material such as acoustic panels. There are more and more soundproof materials that are aesthetically pleasing.
- Sealing gaps and cracks with acoustic caulk
Once you know where the sound is coming from, then you need to go around your home and seal any cracks you can find. There is special acoustic caulk that is designed to stop as much noise from getting through.
- Put up a sound-dampening wall art
These are pieces of art that are designed to muffle sound. Not only does the art improve the sound but it looks good at the same time.
- Putting up sound-deadening curtains
Some curtains are made to absorb noise and can be very effective at reducing outside noise. If you currently have blinds I would highly recommend trying these.
- White noise machines or other noise-masking devices
Using a white noise machine can mask the neighbours’ noise and stop you from focussing on the sound as much. Fans and dehumidifiers also can have the same effect.
- Noise-cancelling headphones
Noise-cancelling headphones are very effective at blocking out noise. You can use these to work in or to help you sleep. When I had an issue with noisy neighbours I invested in the Beats noise-cancelling headphones and they were worth their weight in gold. Yes, they were an investment but I was so fed up that I needed a solution. I use these during the day when I am working and also put an audiobook on at night and they help block out the sound.
- Wearing earplugs
Earplugs are a cheaper alternative to noise-cancelling headphones and can be effective. I know some individuals find sleeping in headphones or earplugs uncomfortable but you will eventually get used to them. There are different types, so it’s worth trying a few before giving up. The Loop Earplugs are a new design and have taken over the earplug market.
- Extra rugs
Depending on where the noise is coming from, putting down some extra rugs could help absorb some of the sounds.
- Sound absorbing light fittings
These are specific light fittings that have been designed to muffle noise and they also look nice.
- Bookcases or large furniture
When you have established what room the noise generally comes from, if you can, it would be worth putting large furniture on that wall, such as a bookcase. The bookcase and books will help absorb some of the noise.
- Noise-blocking blankets
If your noise is coming through a door then a noise-blocking blanket could help. You could also put these on the walls.
- Door draft stopper
Using a door draft stopper can help block out some noise if you live in flats or a shared house.
- Double glazing or maintenance to windows
Adding double glazing could help if the noise is coming from outside but this isn’t cheap. Instead, make sure you fill in any gaps and you can add soundproof strips around the window. You can also change the glass to acoustic glazing or add an acrylic panel to your window.
Finally, if the noise is particularly disruptive, you may want to consider moving to a different part of your home. For example, if the noise is coming from a neighbour’s bedroom, consider sleeping in a room on the opposite side of your home, even if it’s a small room. I know this seems drastic but it would be worth it for a peaceful night’s sleep.
Remember that if you rent, then you will need to get your landlord’s permission to do anything permanent.
Using these soundproofing ideas in your house will hopefully drown out some of the noise and create a more peaceful environment. Hopefully, if the noise isn’t as loud it will help you stop worrying as much.
While these methods can be effective in reducing noise, it’s important to remember that they may not solve the underlying issue. If the noise is still excessive and impacting your quality of life, it may be necessary to explore other options like contacting the council or taking legal advice.

How to stop worrying about noisy neighbours using self-care
In addition to the steps outlined above, there are some additional strategies that you can use to help cope with noisy neighbours.
One approach is to practice self-care including relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation. These can help to reduce stress and anxiety and make it easier to deal with the noise. You may also want to consider listening to calming music or white noise to help you relax and drown out the noise.
Exercise can also help, not only does it get you away from the noise but it is a good way to reduce your stress levels.
Another strategy is to try to reframe your perspective on the noise but I appreciate this is easier said than done. Instead of viewing it as a nuisance or a source of stress, try to see it as an opportunity to practice patience and compassion. Remember that your neighbour may be dealing with their own challenges and stressors, and try to approach the situation with empathy.
Take up other hobbies or groups that will help you get out of the house more and so you are not exposed to the noise as much. Little changes like meeting your friend at the coffee shop rather than meeting at your house will get you away from the noise.
Noisy neighbours can cause an issue for people who work from home, so if you are finding it difficult to work because of the noise, it might be worth going into the office more, working in a coffee shop or shared workspace.
The charity Mind has helpful tips and exercises to help you relax that might help.
Finally, don’t be afraid to reach out for support if you’re feeling overwhelmed. Talk to friends or family members about your situation, or consider seeking out the help of a mental health professional. They can provide you with tools and strategies to help you manage your stress and anxiety.
Dealing with noisy neighbours can be a difficult and frustrating experience, but with the right strategies and support, you can find ways to cope and regain some peace in your home.

How to stop worrying about noisy neighbours by seeking support
In addition to the coping strategies mentioned above, seeking support from others can be incredibly helpful when dealing with noisy neighbours.
Here are some ways you can seek support:
- Talk to Friends and Family: Share your experience with those close to you. Sometimes just talking about your frustrations and concerns can help alleviate some of the stress and anxiety you may be feeling.
- Join a Support Group: There are many online support groups and forums dedicated to dealing with noisy neighbours. These groups can provide you with a sense of community and the opportunity to connect with others who are going through similar experiences.
- Consider Professional Help: If the noise is significantly impacting your mental health and well-being, consider seeking the help of a mental health professional. A therapist can provide you with tools and strategies to help manage your stress and anxiety. If you have misophonia which is a sensitivity to noise, then a doctor would hopefully be able to help you cope with this easier.
Remember, seeking support is not a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength. Don’t be afraid to reach out to others for help and support when dealing with noisy neighbours.

Communication with your neighbour
The next step in how to stop worrying about noisy neighbours is communication. Open and honest communication is often the best way to resolve conflicts and reach a peaceful resolution. Before jumping to legal action or other extreme measures, try talking to your neighbour and expressing your concerns calmly and respectfully.
When approaching your neighbour, be specific about the noise and how it’s affecting you. Use “I” statements instead of “you” statements, which can come across as accusatory.
For example, instead of saying “You’re always making too much noise,” try saying “I’ve been having trouble sleeping because of the loud music coming from your house late at night.”
It’s also important to be open to your neighbour’s perspective and work together to find a solution that works for both parties. Offer suggestions for how they can reduce the noise, such as turning down the volume on their stereo or moving it away from shared walls.
If you’re uncomfortable speaking with your neighbour face-to-face, consider writing a letter or sending an email. This can give you time to gather your thoughts and express yourself clearly and respectfully.
If your neighbour rents the property, then you can contact their landlord if the issue continues.
Remember, communication is a two-way street. If your neighbour is receptive to your concerns, work together to find a solution. If they’re unresponsive or unwilling to make changes, it may be time to explore other options, such as mediation or legal action.
Contact the council to make a neighbour noise complaint
If talking to your neighbour has failed to improve the situation, then you should contact your council to make a noise complaint against your neighbour. The council must investigate your noise complaint and after investigations, if they deem the noise ‘unreasonable’, then they can order your neighbour to stop making the noise.
I have a step-by-step guide on how to make a noise complaint with the council that you can read here.
The council will usually ask you to keep a log of the noise and ask you to record it via a noise recording app. Each council is slightly different and they will provide you with instructions with what they want.
Legal action for noisy neighbours
Legal action should always be a last resort, but if all other methods have failed, it may be necessary to take legal action to address the noise issue.
However, before you rush into legal proceedings, I would recommend trying mediation first. Mediation is quicker and cheaper than going down the legal route. I have an article on how mediation can help resolve neighbour disputes that you can read here.
However, in some cases, you may need to take legal action against your neighbour. A solicitor can advise you on the best course of action based on your specific situation, but you may be able to get an injunction prohibiting your neighbour from making noise.
Remember, legal action should be a last resort. Before taking legal action, try to exhaust all other options for resolving the issue. Keep in mind that legal action can be time-consuming and costly, so be sure to weigh the potential outcomes and consequences before moving forward. I have an article on what to expect when you instruct a solicitor, that might be helpful.
In conclusion, dealing with noisy neighbours is a common challenge that many people face. It can be a source of stress and frustration, but there are steps you can take to address the issue and regain some peace and quiet in your home.
Start by identifying the source of the noise and communicating your concerns to your neighbour. If that doesn’t work, consider noise reduction methods or taking legal action as a last resort. Remember to practice relaxation techniques, reframe your perspective, and seek support if you need it.
Ultimately, the key to stop worrying about noisy neighbours is to remain patient and persistent. With time and effort, I hope you can find a solution that works for you and enjoy a quieter and more peaceful home environment.
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