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Q&A – My neighbour never walks their dog, what should I do?




My neighbour never walks their dog

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Welcome to the Q&A section of my blog. Here, I will be answering some of the most frequently asked questions related to nuisance neighbours. Whether you’re seeking advice or looking for clarification on a particular topic, I am here to help.

So, if you have a burning question or simply want to learn more about a topic, submit your comments below and share your story.


My neighbours moved in 6 months ago and they have a young looking cocker spaniel. I have noticed that my neighbour never walks their dog and on the rare occasion they do, they seem to be back within 5 minutes. I see the dog in the garden and it looks depressed. It plays on my mind a lot and I don’t know if I should report this anyone. Can you report someone for not walking their dog?

I don’t want to fall out with my neighbours but I feel like I need to do something. Is it neglect to not walk a dog? Any advice?


Thanks for your question. I appreciate that you are worried about the welfare of the dog and you have the dogs best interest at heart but unfortunately there is no set law in the UK that dictates how much dogs must be walked.

It is not neglect for someone to not walk their dog, so you can’t report your neighbour if that is the only concern you have about the dog. However, if you see any other signs of neglect or abuse (i.e lack of shelter, water or food), then you can report your neighbours to the RSPCA.

It is also hard for you to know for sure that your neighbour never walks their dog, unless you are watching the comings and goings of your neighbour 24/7. It might be that your neighbour works night shifts or the dog is nervous so they are walked at midnight, when you are asleep. The dog may also have a medical condition that means the dog can’t be walked regularly or for long periods of time. Your neighbour may also be stimulating their dog in other ways such as training, agility or driving the dog somewhere for a walk.

If you are on good terms with your neighbour, you could offer to walk the dog but you want to ensure not to offend your neighbour. Their response may answer some of your questions and at least you have offered to help. There is not much more you can do.

It is good to know that people are looking out for animals welfare, as sadly there are many animals who are abused. If you are ever unsure about the welfare of an animal, you can call the RSPCA to get some advice.

Can you report someone for not walking their dog?

I hope this article has been helpful and informative. Please share it with others who may find it useful, and feel free to leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

Helpful Resources

Don’t let noisy and nuisance neighbours ruin your peace of mind – explore my resources page of recommended products and services designed to help you tackle common neighbour disputes and find the right solution for you.

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2 responses to “Q&A – My neighbour never walks their dog, what should I do?”

  1. Julie dickson avatar
    Julie dickson

    2 huskies left in a tiny yard. No stimulation extremely rare to see them being walked. They are just left in the small yard . They dont have very much interaction with humans. They have basic shelter. They are fed and watered. But they must be so bored . Very hard to see everyday. Why have animals . An animal has four legs and needs walking. It should be made law that you have to walk your dog at least once daily. There is no excuses . There’s even a dog walker !!!!!.

  2. Julie dickson avatar
    Julie dickson

    What should one do

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