How to know if you’re a good housemate? Living with others can be challenging, and it’s important to be mindful of your behaviour to create a positive living environment for everyone.
This quiz is designed to help you reflect on your habits and behaviours as a housemate, and to determine how well you’re doing in contributing to a positive living space.
Answer the following multiple-choice questions as honestly as possible, and we’ll calculate your score at the end to help you determine whether you’re a good housemate.
Quiz: How to know if you’re a good housemate?
1. Do you clean up after yourself in common areas?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
2. Do you take out the rubbish regularly?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
3. Do you respect your housemates’ personal space and boundaries?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
4. Do you communicate openly and respectfully with your housemates?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
5. Do you contribute to household chores and responsibilities?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
6. Do you pay your bills and rent on time?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
7. Do you respect quiet hours and keep noise levels down during appropriate times?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
8. Do you avoid bringing in guests without checking with your housemates first?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
9. Do you ask permission before using other people’s belongings or food?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
10. Do you keep your personal areas clean and tidy?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
11. Do you avoid leaving your belongings lying around in common areas?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
12. Do you offer to help your housemates when they need it?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
13. Do you respect your housemates’ schedules and routines?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
14. Do you avoid using other people’s things without permission?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
15. Do you avoid consuming more than your fair share of household resources, such as shared milk or toilet roll?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
16. Do you avoid smoking inside the house or leaving cigarette butts outside?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
17. Do you avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink for extended periods?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
18. Do you avoid leaving wet towels on the floor or furniture?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
19. Do you avoid leaving the bathroom in an unclean state?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
20. Do you respect your housemates’ opinions and ideas when discussing household matters?
a. Yes, always
b. Sometimes
c. Rarely or never
To calculate your score, assign 3 points for each “yes” answer, 2 points for each “sometimes” answer, and 1 point for each “rarely or never” answer.
Add up your total score and use the following scale to determine whether you’re a good housemate:
- 50-60 points: Excellent housemate
- 40-49 points: Good housemate
- 30-39 points: Average housemate
- Below 30 points: Room for improvement

Remember that this quiz is not a definitive measure of how good of a housemate you are, and that there are many factors that contribute to being a good housemate. The quiz is a tool to help you reflect on your behaviour and make any necessary adjustments to improve your living situation.
Here are some additional tips to help you be a good housemate:
- Respect your housemates’ boundaries and privacy, and communicate openly and respectfully with them.
- Contribute to household chores and responsibilities, and avoid leaving messes in common areas.
- Pay your bills and rent on time, and avoid causing any financial stress or strain on your housemates.
- Be mindful of noise levels, especially during quiet hours, and be considerate of your housemates’ schedules and routines.
- Ask for permission before using other people’s belongings or food, and avoid consuming more than your fair share of household resources.
- Avoid smoking inside the house or leaving cigarette butts outside, and keep the bathroom and other shared spaces clean and tidy.
- Be open to feedback from your housemates and willing to make changes to improve your living situation.
By following these tips and being mindful of your behaviour, you can be a great housemate and contribute to a positive living environment for yourself and your housemates.
Let me know in the comments what you scored on the quiz.
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