Neighbour Dispute Resolution: Expert Tips and Strategies for Resolving Conflicts

Sample Template Letter – Smoke from Neighbours Wood Burner




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Welcome to the sample letters section of Nuisance Neighbours. This letter is to send to a neighbour about smoke from their wood burner that is causing a nuisance.

When there is a disagreement between neighbours, you should do everything you can to resolve the issue as quickly as possible, to avoid relationships getting damaged.

On this section of the website, I’ve put together a collection of sample template letters to assist you in effectively communicating your concerns with your neighbour. These letters are intended to serve as a guide and starting point for drafting your own personalised letter.

Not all facts will apply in my sample letter, so you will need to customise it.

Wood burners are very popular and it is estimated that there are more than 1.5 million in the UK. While they can save money on heating and create a relaxing atmosphere, unfortunately, they can be a source of tension for neighbours who have to deal with the fumes and smells from wood burners. Neighbours complaining about wood burners is definitely on the rise.

You should try and find the balance between your neighbour enjoying their wood burner and you enjoying your home.

I have an article on issues with neighbours wood burners and what to do, that might be helpful.

But now onto the sample template letter about fumes and smells coming from your neighbour’s wood burner.

Subject: Fumes and Smoke from Wood Burner

Dear [Neighbour’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well.

I am writing to you today to express my concerns about the smoke and fumes coming from your wood burner. Recently, I have noticed that when you use your wood burner, the smoke and fumes come into my property, causing a nuisance and potential health hazards. I suffer from asthma and the smoke exacerbates my breathing issues.

I can also smell your wood burner in my garden and I can’t put washing out to dry because it smells of smoke. When you have your wood burner on, I can’t open my windows as the smell is too strong.

I understand that you have the right to use your wood burner, but I am kindly requesting that you take measures to minimise the smoke and fumes that are entering my property. I would really appreciate it if you could just burn seasoned wood that is well-dried and ensure that your wood burner has been swept to reduce the amount of smoke.

I would also be grateful if you could avoid burning materials such as plastics, paper, and painted or treated wood.

I appreciate that you may not have been aware of the impact that the smoke and fumes are having on my property and health, and I hope that we can work together to find a solution that benefits both of us. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Thank you for your understanding.

Best regards, [Your Name, Address and Contact Details]

I hope this template letter to send to neighbours about wood burner smoke helps.

HETAS has lots of other information on wood burners that you might find helpful.

I hope this article has been helpful and informative. Please share it with others who may find it useful, and feel free to leave your thoughts and experiences in the comments section below.

Helpful Resources

Don’t let noisy and nuisance neighbours ruin your peace of mind – explore my resources page of recommended products and services designed to help you tackle common neighbour disputes and find the right solution for you.

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